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Watermen's Bar & Grill
Work and Travel
$13 - $13 za godzinę · 35h tygodniowo
Waves, North Carolina , USA
Od : nie później niż 1 cze 2023
Do : 30 wrz 2023
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Watermen’s Bar & Grill showcases the waterfront experience with incredible waterfront views with a unique indoor/outdoor design. Watermen's Bar and Grill is looking for motivated, hard working and friendly staff to provide quality service to their customers. If you like working in a fast pace environment and serving customers with high quality service, this place is for you. With a great location in the Outer Banks, near beaches, lighthouses and more, the charming town of Waves, NC is a great place to spend your summer Work and Travel program. If you like the idea of living in a quiet beach town instead of the big city, Waves, NC is the place to be! Sun, sand, and the beautiful beaches of the Atlantic Ocean await you! **Housing:** $125/week **Website:** [https://www.watermensbarandgrill.com/](https://www.watermensbarandgrill.com/)
Dishwasher/Prep Cook
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